COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update March 19, 2020

Spector Eye care has transitioned to seeing emergency and essential visits only. Patients with routine and comprehensive exams will be contacted to reschedule.

We will continue to offer telemedicine virtual visits during our shorted office hours (10 am – 1pm).  Please continue to call the office with any ocular concerns and we will determine what type of care is most appropriate.

Telemedicine will allow providers to discuss treatment with patients through video consultation in real time. These visits will be billed to your insurance provider. Our providers are allowed to submit these visits to insurance companies, however benefits and coverage may vary by your individual plan.

We encourage patients with routine questions or concerns about upcoming appointments to utilize the secure patient portal to contact your provider directly. If you need assistance accessing your patient portal, feel free to contact the office.

We have reorganized our waiting areas to adapt to social distancing recommendations. We are operating with a limited staff to minimize traffic and risk of exposure.

We continue to disinfect exams rooms and equipment between each patient and practice universal precautions.

Please check our social media frequently for updates as continue to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19. We appreciate your patience and flexibility during these unprecedented times.

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?

* All indicated fields must be completed. Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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