Mary Beth Schanz, O.D. is a Clinical Optometrist at Spector Eye Care. In addition, she serves as an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Optometry at the SUNY-College of Optometry. Dr. Schanz received her Doctorate in Optometry, with Honors, from the State University of New York-College of Optometry and completed her Residency in Low Vision at the West Haven VA Medical Center.
She is trained to identify and manage a wide variety of eye conditions and eye diseases as well as to provide contact lens services and work in the care and management of refractive surgery patients. Also, Dr. Schanz has extensive experience with helping sight-impaired patients in providing them with specialized low vision devices. She received this specialized training through Lighthouse International, a world-renown low vision program, where she worked for nearly three years.
Dr. Schanz remains active in furthering the education of others within her profession through her role at SUNY-College of Optometry and as a lecturer on Low Vision topics. She has worked closely with Dr. Spector since joining his practice in 2001.