Common Eye Conditions

At Spector Eye Care our specialists provide a complete range of services to meet your eye care needs, including glasses and contact lenses, as well as screening and treatment of common eye conditions. From thorough eye examinations to consultations regarding laser vision correction, our Connecticut facilities are conveniently located in Norwalk.

Your eye examination will consist of a thorough evaluation of your vision and ocular health. This usually includes refraction (an evaluation of your need for glasses or contact lenses) and a complete dilated eye exam. We will screen for common conditions such as dry eye, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinal diseases, such as those associated with diabetes and high blood pressure.

A review of your medical history and symptoms will be considered along with the findings of your eye examination. We will discuss our findings with you and communicate with your primary care physician or other doctors as needed. A comprehensive eye evaluation will usually take longer than one hour, so be sure to allow enough time for your visit. If you have special needs regarding schedule, time and/or transportation, please discuss your needs with our staff.

Call 203-853-9900 to schedule your comprehensive eye exam at Spector Eye Care today!

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