Optical Shop in Norwalk, CT

The Optical Shop is located inside our Norwalk office located at 761 Main Ave, Norwalk CT. Along with the ease of one stop convenience, we maintain a warm, friendly atmosphere where our team of experienced Opticians work to provide you with the best frame and custom lenses available for your vision needs.

Online Optical Shop

All of our frames are available on our online optical shop for virtual  try-on and for ordering.

Click Here To Browse Our Frames

Frames & Sunglasses

Our designer frames come in both prescription and non-prescription.

  • Custom ordering is available if we currently do not have a certain frame style on display.
  • Our selection includes rimless, metal, plastic, and titanium frames.
  • With every frame purchase a protective carrying case is included.
  • If your frames ever bend out of shape or need a little bit of repair we can fix them.
  • All frames come with a variety of lens options and materials.

Brands That We Carry

Spector Optical brands Norwalk CT

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?

* All indicated fields must be completed. Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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